Welcome to LDN Conveyancing
LDN Conveyancing was born out of the recognised need for a legal property service capable of delivering the goods at a fair price. Our team is made up of a cross-cultural selection of licensed conveyancers and qualified solicitors with proven track records in customer service and legal expertise within the UK property sector.
Using one of the most highly awarded case-management systems, Alphalaw, means that you can be confident that your case will be monitored and carried out in an efficient and professional manner from start to finish. At LDN Conveyancing we understand the value of the personal-professional relationship, so we ensure that our clients can communicate with their legal representative through a demystified, clear and ordered process.
Regulated by the Council for Licensed Conveyancers Registered in England Company No. 6292629
Any reference to partner in relation to the firm means a Director of the Company or an employee or consultant of equivalent standing and qualification.